Innovation DAY

This year’s Innovation day just happened. I’ll tell you about.My group did a bionic heart.Other groups did a bionic arm a bionic eye insulin pump so my group used the 3D printer and pipe cleaners to make our project, others used clay and cardboard.I learnt a lot like you can live six extra years with a bionic heart  


The hardest part in my opinion  was the research. It was hard because there were more heart transplants than bionic hearts.The second hardest part was designing it on the 3D printer because it needed a flat surface.   


If i had to change something i would change which implant i did because of the research. 




Have you ever wondered why bananas are yellow?

Or if there are different types of bananas?  I have !!

Hi ms m and g4.  Today I’m going to talk about bananas . My main points are: 

the different types of bananas, why they ripen and when they were first discovered .


We all know about yellow bananas but there are over 1000 other types. Blue bananas are called Blue java and they taste like ice cream.They are a hybrid.In Hawaii it is known as the ‘Ice cream banana.In Fiji it is known as Hawaiian banana.Red bananas are called red and commonly grow in the U.S., New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific Islands.Lady finger bananas taste like honey and they are found in South America, Africa, Oceania, and Southeast Asia.

Do you know what ethylene gas is? Well I do and it’s  like a banana fart because it lets out gas, which ripens bananas and also other fruits. Here are some facts I found .If you put a banana close to apples, pears and melons,they will ripen fast because they are so sensitive to the banana hormone that it has a powerful effect on their ripening.


Did you know bananas were first discovered in 1836 by Jamaican Jean Francois Poujot. He was in Southeast Asia, the jungle of Malaysia. Indonesia and the Philippines. Let me tell you about the dark history of bananas. In 1885, the Boston Fruit Company, the first banana company, was transporting bananas all over the world and there was an outbreak of fungus on the trains! EW! All of the Bananas were gross, they were highly poisonous and very yucky! $20 million bananas were lost. It was really bad for their business! It is vitally important that you know that they made banana farmers work without payment. This is called exploitation. 


In conclusion, my topic was bananas –  (SING IT!) B A N A NA A S 


I hope you have learned something – don’ t take your bananas for granted. Think about how much the workers do and have lost! 


Don’t be mellow, go buy a yellow!


hi people


  •  A geologist studies all rock.
  • Rocks are not the same as minerals.

There are three types of rocks The three types of rocks are sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks, and igneous rocks. A sedimentary rock is formed from deposits of pre-existing rocks.Metamorphic rocks are formed when liquid magma or lava is cooled and is hardened.

Igneous rocks are formed when hot, molten rock crystallizes and solidifies.          Igneous rocks are “fire born”. They are made from the cooling and solidifying           of molten. There are two main types of igneous rock.

Intrusive (plutonic) rocks

Extrusive (volcanic) rocks



rocks are rocks that are formed in the earth and rocks formed when magma cools and solidifies below the earth’s surface. They are most commonly found in tectonic settings.

Volcanic rock

Extrusive igneous rocks erupt onto the surface or into the atmosphere. Extrusive igneous rocks are also called volcanic rocks – named for Vulcan, the Roman god of fire. Volcanic rocks are crystal sized and have a very-fine-grained or glassy groundmass that formed because of fast cooling at the time of eruption.

Volcanic rocks are erupted as lava flows or domes during nonexplosive eruptions.  Pyroclastic rocks are made of volcanic ash and other volcanic rocks. The term  pyroclastic means fire broken in Greek  

The inside of the volcano looks like this! 

The inside of a volcano has a magma chamber, a conduit, a sill, a vent, a side vent, lava flow, a crater, ash cloud and ash fall.

This handout photograph taken and released by the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation on April 17, 2024, shows Mount Ruang spewing hot lava and smoke as seen from Sitaro, North Sulawesi. A volcano erupted several times in Indonesia’s outermost region overnight on April 17, forcing hundreds of people to be evacuated after it spewed lava and a column of smoke more than a mile into the sky. (Photo by Handout / Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE – MANDATORY CREDIT AFP PHOTO / CENTER FOR VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOLOGICAL HAZARD MITIGATION/ PVMBK – NO MARKETING – NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS- DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS

My Mythical Creature

my creature came from ancient China.My creature is a panda with water and fire powers and Boba the power is also having tiny servants to feed it Boba.   it makes tiny bananas that say I’m a banana .and it is 50 ft tall. and the closest relative is a banana it is also found in New York and Fiji and Solomon’s house the purpose is being cute.



Hello friends, it is me! Today I learned about sound.

What is sound?

Sound is a bunch of waves that push things and basically, your auditory bones are like a drum that hoes pish pish pish and the the hairs move in your cochlea. It’s all about vibration.

Exploring the Ear:

In our middle ear, we have the eardrum. It picks up vibrations from sound waves. When sound waves are picked up, it makes it push against your eardrum and make vibrations. The inner ear has a shell-shaped thing called a cochlea. It is filled with liquid and a thousand tiny hairs. The hairs make sound waves because they wave back and forth which sends a wave to your brain and that’s how you hear. The outer ear has the ear canal and the mastoid process. The middle ear has the eardrum. The three tiny bones in the middle ear are called the auditory bones. The earwax helps the ear stop infections

Sound Travels:

Sound travels through the ear canal, hitting the eardrum and the auditory bones called the cochlea. Did you know a cochlea is Latin for snail?

Properties of sound:

  • sound travels
  • it can modified – this means changed
  • it can be absorbed
  • it can be reflected – echoes!
  • caused by vibrations

Pictures from experiments:

We used tuning forks to see how sounds travel in vibrations

We tried to make a’ phone’ it did not work because the vibrations did not move along the wool material.